VMware vRealize SaltStack Config as a Windows Server Admin - Part 5

Part 5: How to use SaltStack Config with Windows Server and PowerShell
The latest item on my journey with VMware vRealize SaltStack Config as a Windows Server Admin will be an update to some items that I have talked about in previous posts. I have been spending more time with VMware vRealize SaltStack Config and I have learned some better ways to do some of the processes that I have talked about already. My goal to to learn and use the built-in functions that are already in the product. I found that using the salt functions require less coding and better logging.
First example of changing how I am going to use VMware vRealize SaltStack Config. When I first started looking at grains I thought I would edit the grains file with PowerShell and add the grains content to the file. What I did worked but I think I learned a better way. There is a function grains.append that will append grains data to the grains file on the minion. This works much better and when I run a job to add grains information it is listed in Activity Completed within VMware vRealize SaltStack Config. I like to be able to see when changes are made by the jobs that are run.
The code that I have listed below to get vCenter TAGs assigned to a VM and add the information to the minion is using PowerShell. To use this script you MUST install the PowerShell Module POSH-SSH. The process I am showing connects to a vCenter, creates a SSH Connection to the Salt Server, gets all assigned vCenter TAGs for a VM, , runs salt commands to add grain information to the grains file of a minion, and then runs a minion grains sync. This concept can be used for a lot of different systems. If you want to add NSX-T Security TAGs as grain information (Thanks Karl Hauck for this idea), AD (Active Directory) OU of the Windows Server, or anything you think would be useful to Target minions within VMware vRealize SaltStack Config.
I really like the idea of using POSH-SSH to make the SSH connection to the Salt Master Server and running commands. I do a lot of Automation within vRA (vRealize Automation) with PowerShell and I can use this same concept to use VMware vRealize SaltStack Config to complete the processes that need run. I can also create Catalog items within vRA that you can make available to APP Teams to use. The Catalog item could be running salt jobs in VMware vRealize SaltStack Config. Cool Stuff!
Grains File:
This is what I learned about salt grains when using with a Windows OS.
- The default location of the grains file is in directory “C:\salt\conf".
- The grains file is named grains with no extension.
Example grains file:
- “Grain Name”: “The value of the grain”.
- In my example I wanted the grain to be named “vCenterTags” and the values will be the vCenter TAG names “TAG-VM-vCROCS, TAG-VM-WebServer, TAG-App-Hugo”. I have (3) vCenter TAGs assigned to this VM. I will be able to create a SaltStack Config Target based on any of the TAGs.
- I like the formatting that is used for the grains file by using the function grains.append.
SaltStack Config Targets:
When I add the vCenter TAG information to the grains file I am then able to create SaltStack Config Targets based on the grain “vCenterTags”.
SaltStack Config Targets:
SaltStack Config Target Definition:
How to add the vCenter TAGs to the grains file on all your VMs in SaltStack Config:
Get the VM Names and All Assigned vCenter TAGs
PowerShell Script:
Lessons Learned:
- Adding the POSH-SSH PowerShell module so you can create a SSH connection to the salt master opens up a lot of possibilities for your PowerShell Automation as a Windows Server Admin.
- Grains are a good way to create SaltStack Config Targets. Allows you to group VMs together the same way you can in vCenter.
- The Grains file is basically a Database that can be any information that you want to show about your VMs. In this Blog post I am adding vCenter TAGs to the minions but the information could be anything that helps you target VMs.
- If the default list of grains OOTB doesn’t show the information you want to see, you can easily add your own gains with a little bit of code.
Salt Links I found to be very helpful:
- SaltStack Cheat Sheet
- SaltStack Tutorials
- SaltStack Documentation
- SaltStack Community Slack Channel
- Learn vRealize Automation
- Learn SaltStack Config
- If you found this Blog article useful and it helped you, Buy me a coffee to start my day.